King Legacy Wiki


The Wax-Wax fruit is a Paramecia type fruit that has the ability to make any part of his body into Wax/Candle. (No this doesnt count as a logia, you dont have reflex), It was eaten by Galdino in the One Piece anime. In game, you can obtain it by rarley finding it, buying it from Gacha or Black Market,. It costs $5,250,000 and 5 Gems. Its pysical appearence looks like a blocky white fruit with candle as a topping. It also has a burning stem as a additon.


The Candle Fruit unawakened is a very decent fruit. As in unawakened you can spam many moves and it has good area range. Making it a very good grinding fruit. However in PVP. This isnt really good. But in awakened form, its a whole different story. Now its a low-god tier as it has way better skills, more spamming attacks and finally, higher area range + faster cooldowns. Now it is a OP Grinder. and a okay PVP.

Moveset (Max Power Fruit 5000.)[]

Z : Wax Cannon (0)[]

The user creates wax out of his own hands. Charges it. Then throws it at the direction of the cursor directly, on touch it will deal a massive explosion dealing 6,750 damage and has a cooldown of 4 seconds.

X : Wax Lock (50)[]

The user creates wax out of his legs. Kicks it at the enemy. If the enemy touches it. They will be stunned/stuck for 5 seconds. And dealing 375 per tick and having a 10 second cooldown (tennically 5).

C : Candle Rush (300)[]

The user transforms his own hands to a candle mallet. And then rapidly punch 64 times. This also pushes the enemy back and stuns it. Each punch deals 500 damage. 32,000 Damage Total if all hits count. This also has a 9-11 second cooldown.

E : Restless Mallet Beatdown (500)[]

The user creates many rings of fire around the target (Yes, this has aimbot.) The rings will have fists come out and hit the target if the target is in the range of the attack. Dealing 300 damage per hit, having a duriation of 8-9 seconds. This deals 167 hits in the mean time. Total damage is 50100.

B : Candle Awakening (Quest)[]

Yeah this is obvious, an awakening. To beat this quest. You have to be in first sea. And talk to Mista Third. He resides by a building in Sand Kingdom. (dont get it confused with the quest enemy) You need to be lvl 1000 to do this quest. He will tell you to beat 30 fruit users. After that, you will obtain this move. (Using this move will enchance your buso haki buffs by 25%, and your damage originally for this fruit by 50%. And some new moves!)

Moveset (Awakened)[]

Z : Explosive Wax Roll (0, Awakened Ability Required)[]

The user will transform into a ball of burning-hot wax. Rolling around the map in any direction player is moving. This is 25% faster than a human's normal run too. Touching any enemy during this will result in you dragging them. And also dealing 500 damage per tick. After 5 seconds of using this the ball will do a explosion dealing 10,000 damage as a finisher. This has a 12 second cooldown.

X : Wax Stread (50, Awakened Ability Required)[]

The user will create a huge pitch black ball. Throws it at where the mouse is. Upon touch the ball will combust in 8 spikes. In different positions near the ball was. The spikes on touch deals 6,750 damage. And you being stunned for 6 seconds. This has a 15 second cooldown. And also the spikes will diseapear within 2 seconds.

C : Restless Stread Gatling Gun (300, Awakened Ability Required)[]

The user transforms his arms into candle mallets, Then does a barrage of punches towards the direction they are facing, dealing continuous damage. This does about 100 hits. 700 Damage per hit, It has a cooldown of 5-7 seconds. And a total damage of 70000. (However all punches will go in different positons meaning it has bad accuracy, so there is a rare chance of getting that very high total damage.)

E : Spinning Wax Whip (1000, Awakened Ability Required.)[]

The user turns his left hand into a really long mallet, whips it around many times pulling the enemy within the hand, And dealing chip damage of (1250) per tick. This can be held for 7.5 seconds. And has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

B : Detransformation[]

Really explainable. You go back into your unawakened state.

Pros and Cons[]

Unawakened :[]

Pros :[]

  • Wax Cannon does good damage and has great AoE.
  • Wax Lock is easily abuseable, mainly because it stuns them for a simply small peroid of time.
  • Candle Rush is basically budget "Gum Gear 2 Gatling Ability". Althrough it deals more damage.
  • Restless Mallet Beatdown has good aimbot and area range. And possibly the best move out of Wax.
  • Has good damage and area range in all moves.
  • Good for grinding.

Cons :[]

  • Bad for PVP.
  • Restless Mallet Beatdown only aimbots in the enemies original positon. (Meaning its not really targetable)
  • Wax Lock is hard to aim.
  • Awakening is hard to obtain. Since most people have there PVP off.

Awakened :[]

Pros :[]

  • Awakened Candle is now one of the best grinding fruits, as it is easily spamable. And deals very high damage.
  • Decent PVP Fruit now.
  • Explosive Wax Roll is a good pull move. As it deals chip damage when it pulls a enemy. And explodes after 5 seconds.
  • Wax Stread is one of the best moves of Wax. It's starting AoE has good radious. And the Spikes are entirley directional. Also has good damage.
  • Restless Stread Gatling Gun is a upgraded Candle Rush. Dealing more damage and having more range.
  • Spinning Wax Whip is the best move of wax completley. Its a better pull move than Explosive Wax Roll. And can be holded for quite some time. And deals really good Chip Damage.
  • Upgraded Buso Haki (25% Attributes Buff)

Cons :[]

  • Wax Stread is not controllable.
  • worse area range, just more natural range