Gear 5 Nika Idea Concept[]
Level is at least level 2775 and in second sea with gum fruit gear 2, 4 and must have the straw hat. They must have at least have enough mastery over the fruit and have it for 10 days in game to do the quest.
Defeat 2 Hydras and 2 sea kings after the hydras then travel to the awakening house and talk to the Npc. He will give you a quest to defeat Dragon or Kaido twice and on the second Dragon you must kill it with 3 people (team of 4 or 5). You must get close to death then defeat Kaido. After that, talk to the awakening Npc to then kill the gear 4 awakening boss. After defeating the awakening boss, talk to the awakening Npc again to then kill all the bosses in second sea. After all of that, talk to the awakening Npc again and he will teach you Gear 5.
Quest Rewards:[]
2 Million Money And 250 Gems with 50k Battlepass Exp.[]
Gear 5 Move Set[]
Gomu Transform: The user grabs the earths ground and turns it into rubber allowing the user to use any of the skill s you want. This also transforms the user into gear 5 while also plays a very important part of Gear 5. Key:E
Gomu Lightning: The user leaps into the sky grabbing lightning from the sky then retreating back to the ground and throws the lightning where the cruser is aiming at. Key:Z
Gomu Pistol: The user hits the rubbery ground hard to then makes use of the ground as a means to launch a punch from a completely unexpected direction, that hits the enemies. They also use their cruser to aim where to punch comes from. Key:X
Gomu Giant: The user leaps into the sky then transforms into a gaint of them and retreats back to the ground and will have a health increase as well with 3 moves. Move 1, Giant Smash, The user uses thier fist and smashes into the ground along with the enemy. Move 2,Giant stomp, the user stomps onto the ground with their feets and lets out an shockwave. Move 3, Giant Grab, The user reaches for their hand and grabs onto whatever the cruser is aiming at such as trees rocks and even people not npcs though. If they grabbed an player, they will throw that player at a direction dealing alot of damage. If the user grabs a tree, they will use it as a weapon with only 4 uses then throwing it at the player and for the rocks they just throw it. Transformation Key:C
Gomu Clap: The user will have a colorful feeling in thier heart then makes their hands big and does a clap form dealing alot of damage and sending a shockwave at the direction.
Gomu Heal: If the user is low, they heartbeats will sing the Drums Of Liberation, healing them.
Apearnce: They will just look like Gear 5 Luffy from the anime.
Idea Concept Made By Atik.Ice I already made two ideas one for the Dragons Nation and another one for this. Made on 19/04/2024