King Legacy Wiki


The Sea King is arguably one of the strongest bosses in the game. It takes the appearance of one of the sea kings in One Piece, Master of the Waters. Their color is randomized. It has 1,575,000 HP (down from 2.5M million in update 5 and down from 7.5 million in update 4) , and has very large AoE moves with powerful damage.


It spawns every hour in public server, 2 hours in private server. (Now spawns every 1 hours in a private server due to some new changes to the game) It is located on the Legacy Island. The location of the island is randomized. Usually being very far behind an island in the Second Sea.

The easiest way to find the Legacy Island is to use the gampass, Legacy Pose.

Attack Pattern[]

Attack Description Damage How To Dodge
Roar Causes a massive roar that does AOE damage, taking away about 5 ken dodges. Highest There is no way to predict it, just attack the sea king and stay a bit away till abilities are back
Water Bullets An ability like Fishman Karate, shoots water bullets and breaks ken on impact Very High Spam dodge when you see a blue ball coming towards you, ken is useless to tank it
Water Beam Very much like Fishman Karate, shoots a water beam, with a good range. This takes away about 3 ken dodges. Very High No way to dodge it because its very fast and long, just stay away from Sea King when abilities are on cooldown
Water Ball Shoots a water ball after a short delay, and explodes. High Fly away when you see the ball ready to shoot.

Sea Kings will have a higher chance of attacking you if you go near or on the legacy island. It is not recommended to do this. Use a boat with a distance from sea beast if it is necessary to stay out of water.

Boss Drops[]

After defeating the Sea King, The Legacy Island turns into a "Super Safe zone", (safe zone where pvp is turned off no matter what) and the wall will open and reveals a chest inside it. The chest's tier is randomized into 3 tiers, T1, T2 and T3. They have better drop chances depending on the tier. Once the sea king dies, you will have 5 minutes to get the chest before the island sinks.

Drops Drop Chance Picture
Random Fruit

(higher the chest tier the rarer the fruit is)

Gems 100%
500K Beli 100%
3M Exp 100%
Authentic Triple Katana Tier 1 Chest: 1%

Tier 2 Chest: 10%

Tier 3 Chest: 30%

Acroscythe Tier 1 Chest: 0.072%

Tier 2 Chest: 1%

Tier 3 Chest: 5%

Sea King Jaw
Haoshoku Haki Color Change 5%
100K Beli Upon Sea King Death 100%

Sea King Fin Unknown

Sea King Blood Unknown

Kill Guide and Tips[]

Suggested fruits:

Unsuggested fruits:

  • Gura Gura no Mi (Quake) (unawakened) (your moves have poor range and double waves come out so late SK might just move to another spot and avoid it, other players can also get angry as you might destroy their boats).
  • Any common fruit (excluding Bomb awakening)
  • Most uncommon fruits
  • Most rare fruits(except Gravity)
  • Epics that can't fly (Like Rumble and Snow) (But can be useful if you know how to survive)

Suggested swords

Muramasa (The Z move can hit many times and deal insane damage.)

Phoenix Blade (Similar Case to Muramasa.)

Hell Sword (Good range with Z and Good AoE and damage with X.)

Acroscythe (Has a special ability known as "Lifesteal" which can be used to regain some health depending on the damage you made on the Sea King.)


  • Always use the Cyborg fighting style if you have a flying fruit while fighting SK as you might need to heal a lot. you will need a boat though as healing on the island is a death wish (unless you use Ice or Awakened Magma in which case you can heal anywhere).
  • If you don't have a flying fruit you can try hitting SK from your boat but it's very hard to position your boat and avoid attacks. instead, I would suggest using Dark Leg for air mobility, ONLY USE DARK LEG OR BULLITUS IF YOU DON'T HAVE A FLIGHT ABILITY.
  • If your Kenbunshoku Haki is gone, retreat to your boat and wait for it to regen. 8 dodges is optimal but 7 dodges would work.
  • If you have a non-automatic flying fruit (Flame, Light, etc) you need to be more careful as it's mobility is much lower than the fruits listed above.
  • Be careful of hackers since they can respawn and teleport back to Sea King, avoid getting close to their skills. Don't forget Sea King as well. (Suggested to kill them first so that they have pvp off)
  • It's suggested to fight Sea Kings with bubble, an accessory that lets you swim on water with a Devil Fruit. This is good because you can spam moves without constantly moving (air camping)
  • It's recommended not to touch the island when you are fighting a Sea King. Because if you do, the Sea King will target you.
  • If you encounter a bounty hunter, try to survive like dashing around mid-air or fight back with everything you've got, but if the bounty hunter uses ATK V2 + Electro V2 + Magnet (Or Awakened Light), well its over since there is nothing you can do about it unless you have the same equipment as his/her and you are more skilled.
  • get a group of players user sugestions real_milkje a random player name

Sea king during the Halloween Event [2021]
