King Legacy Wiki

Dough Icon

Dough fruit icon


The Mochi fruit is a Legendary, Special Paramecia type fruit that turns the user's body into Mochi. It can be obtained by finding it in the ground, rolling it from the Gacha, or from the Black Market. Buying Dough from the Black Market costs 28,500,000 Beli with the permanent version costing 2850 Robux in the Permanent fruit shop. Dough is often considered to be one of the BEST fruits in the entire game if awakened because its recent awakening makes it one of the best for grinding and pvp.

The design of this fruit is of a donut with the stem every Devil fruit has

There is an awakening for Dough (For more information go to Awakenings)

Moveset (Dev. 1)

The Dough fruit has the unique attribute of being stronger with the use of Busoshoku Haki. Normally it's attacks are white and make a different sound effect. With Busoshoku Haki equipped the color of the fists turn black, and the sound effect changes. Flexible Punch, Rapidly Punches, and Sharpen Spike are all weaker without Busoshoku Haki on and their color changes from black to white without it. Heat Shot, Liquid Drops, and Dough Spin are unaffected by Haki. The moves are functionally the same, the only difference being the damage.

The player creates a Mochi ball on their right side, and from the ball releasing a heavy punch. The move has a fairly short range. The fist has a travel time to it as well, and damages anything that touches it. As the fist travels it also leaves behind destroyed ground. This can be held to keep the user suspended in the air and lasts for 1 second'. With Haki this makes a very distinguishable sound that can easily be recognized, but without Haki the attack becomes almost silent. Flexible Punch deals 9,271" damage with Busoshoku Haki and 7.521" damage without Haki. The refresh time is 3 seconds.

Dough z

Dough fruit's first move, with and without Busoshoku Haki.

The user’s right arm turns into an orange, flaming hot chunk of Mochi, and when you let go of X, You launch the Projectile towards the cursor. It has quite a lot of travel time and has a very long range, which allows for sniping npcs or surprise attacking people from a distance. The projectile itself has a flaming vortex effect as it travels and it has a loud and small sized explosion when it lands. Anything that touches or is caught in it's explosion upon contact with a surface or person will get damaged. This can be held to keep the user suspended and lasts for 1 second. Heat Shot deals :10,101" damage and remains the same with or without Busoshoku Haki. The refresh is 5 seconds.

Dough x better version

A demonstration of Heat Shots long range and explosion.

The user spews out a stream of dough that will stuns any npc or player that touches it. When the stream lands on a surface or player, it creates a large puddle that wraps whatever touches it in Dough. Players cannot use specials or move at all while stunned. This move works in the air, but is very difficult to use in the air. There isn't much range to this move either, making it a fairly close range move. This can be held to keep the user suspended in the air and lasts for 1 second. Liquid Drops deal only 2,510" damage, making it a very poor source of damage. With that being said, it stuns anything caught in it for 5 seconds. The refresh is 8 seconds. It's possible to use Soru/Flashstep to escape it, and devil fruits that have teleportation can escape to another location and take cover. Although they can teleport out, they are still stunned by the sticky dough so they are not immune to it's effects. Bosses and NPCs can still use their specials while stunned, but they cannot move.

Liquid Drops-mochimochi

Dough fruit's third move.


This is what happens when a player or npc gets caught in Liquid Drops.

The user creates a flurry of doughnuts from which fists come out. The fists go off very fast and go wherever the users cursor goes. Anything that is caught in the fists will become stunned, making it somewhat difficult to escape the attack without taking a mass amount of damage. The fists have a very long range, to the point where it out ranges the sensory detection of npcs. This barrage of fists must be held down to do the entire move. At the most, this move can last for 8 seconds' and will keep the user suspended for the duration of the move. The fists themselves are identical to that of the first moves (Flexible Punch), only they have an extremely long range. Each punch also makes the same sound as Flexible Punch. Due to the nature of the move, this can be deadly in the right hands as it's damage is enough to kill a max level player with the most amount of HP possible. Rapid Punches is effected by Busoshoku Haki, without it the fists turn white and make a quiet sound as they go of. There are 32 punches in total, with each punch doing 700 damage with Haki and 511 damage without Haki, totaling at 16,352 damage and around 17,952" damage respectively. It can destroy Kenbunshoku Haki easily but this move performs poorly in aerial combat. The refresh is 5 seconds, and starts after the move is over/let go.

Dough v

Rapid Punches, the move can be aimed 360 degrees all around the player.

The user lifts their right arm in the air and creates a large club made of dough, which slams the ground. This causes the screen to shake upon landing and creates a crater if it hits the ground. This makes the same sound as Flexible Punch and Rapidly Punches when it's coated in Haki. There is also a shock wave that shows the hit-box of the move, anything that is within the range of the shock wave will get damaged. The area of effect for this move is large enough to where this can be used in aerial combat effectively, and the effective range is also good considering it's damage. This can be held to keep the user suspended in the air and lasts for 2 seconds. Busoshoku Haki effects this move, the attack without Haki is white and makes a quiet sound when it lands. Sharpen Spike deals 11,351 damage with Haki and 11,351 damage without Haki. The refresh is 7 seconds.

Dough b

Dough fruit's fifth move.

The player turns into a white donut that rolls at a fast speed. This is a ground based form of mobility, and does not have the same versatility as flight. It works over water, though it is obviously not recommended to use over water as it would easily kill the user. Dough Spin also cannot travel up walls. This is the only form of mobility that can actually damage whatever it touches, if the roller doughnut runs an npc or player over they will receive 1,011 damage. There is a limit to how long the doughnut can roll, after 20 seconds the move will automatically come to a stop. The refresh is 6 seconds.Movement Speed will be slower depending on the percentage of health you have lost.


Dough fruit's mobility move.

Total DMG without haki - 84,58,37,98 (Outdated)

Total DMG with haki - 101,137,980 (Outdated)

Pros and Cons


  • The player can heal HP naturally while using Dough Roll.
  • Insanely good for Raids in Golden Arena
  • If Awakened, this fruit becomes one of the best fruits in the game.
  • Liquid drops (c) traps the enemy with Dough and makes them unable to move.
  • Insane damage


  • Dough always requires the enemy to be stunned when in combat.
  • Needs a lot of Precision
  • Average for Ghost Ship
  • Awakened V move can cause large amounts of lag
  • Awakened B move locks you in place for a while, making you vulnerable. NPC's can also sometimes use their melee against you while they are in the attack.


  • The user of this fruit in One Piece is "Charlotte Katakuri".
  • Dough does not buff Metal Trident's damage, despite how it is a weapon paired with the Mochi Mochi no Mi in the Anime.
  • This fruit has an awakening that is good for raids, PVP, grinding,etc.
  • Ironically, this used to be the worst and least wanted legendary in the game. Since it's awakening, this has completely reversed.
  • Most of the awakened attacks will be outlined with your haki color if armament is on.

Fruit Navigation

{{Uncommon Fruit} |name=Giraffe Fruit |articlename=Ushi Ushi No Mi (Giraffe) |image=GiraffeFruit.png |rarity=Common |type=Zoan |Money Cost=$700,000 |Gem Cost=1 Gem |Robux Cost=350R$ }}

Mochi Mochi no Mi (Dough)
Mochi Fruit
