The Hell Sword is based on Enma, a sword owned by Roronoa Zoro and previously Kozuki Oden and Kozuki Hiyori from One Piece. It focuses on very good AoE moves, while being very good in damage. This is considered as one of the better swords in the game.
You can obtain Hell Sword by killing the King Samurai. It has a 30% chance of dropping.
Please note that the stats provided below are with maximum sword stats (4400) and with Buso Haki level 6. And the values shown increase by 10% when the sword is improved to +1 at the blacksmith.
The base swing of this sword is ~1,807 damage with Busoshoku Haki and ~1,705 damage without.
- Z: Inferno Cut (500)
- X: Slash of Hell (1,000)
Z move: This move releases several slashes forwads that travel towards the users cursor. The slash will damage anything in it's way and has great range, exceeding that of most sword attacks. This move does much more damage than said on this page but only if you land this move on a big target like a dragon user straight down the middle. It can be held to keep the user suspended in the air and lasts for 1 second. This move hits twice and the slashes will deal ~5,016 damage each. The refresh is 5 seconds.
X move: This move releases a large amount of flaming cuts in front of the user's cursor followed by burn damage. The cuts will damage anything within its area of effect, which is exceptionally large. Can be held to keep the user suspended in the air and lasts for 1 second. This attack does several different damage, so I will list each damage in order: first it delivers nine slashes of ~605 damage and then a tenth slash of ~2,781 damage, then the attack will burn the target, which deals nine hits of ~100 damage with a tenth burn damage of ~463 damage and then repeats the same burn damage once again (totaling eighteen burn hits and two large burns) dealing a total of thirty hits to the opponent and a total of ~10,952 damage or a little higher. The refresh is 10 seconds.
PS: I leave a note here to clarify why the damage values are said as "approximately", my Hell Sword is already improved at the blacksmith and I have +16% total bonus in passives (+14% damage to npc and +2% of damage on swords) so I needed to do several tests and calculations during the game to determine the closest value to the base damage of that sword's skills so that there were no errors, even so the values shown may have a margin of error where your damage may be a little higher or lower than those shown.
- X has an good AoE. It ken-breaks and is very good in terms of damage.
- Z has a stunningly long range, while depleting 1/4 of your enemy's total HP.
- It is surprisingly easy to obtain, even with the sword being this powerful.
- Good hitbox.
- Z has fast projectile speed
- Can pair really well with Dark leg v1 (Outclasses by ATK v2 + Electro v2)
- Hard to use for aerial pvp.
- You need to hit a perfect shot with Z skill if they are out of the X skill's range.
- Outclassed by Authentic Triple Katana V2, Acroscythe, Cookie Sword and sometimes Soul Cane on PvP.
- Z does not ken-break.
- Z does more damage on biggest targets (around 10-25k)
- His Aura colour when Haki is active can be change with Haki Colours